quinta-feira, 8 de outubro de 2009

The night of crazy dreams

the night of crazy dreams
where no one knows how it works
and nobody will never understand

oh! the night of crazy dreams
do you know why this sistem sucks?
can you make all this become sand?

yeah! the night of crazy dreams
you are taking me to so strange places!!
colors and sounds and a unknown sensation!

Hey! the night of crazy dreams
how many time of my rest you gonna takes?
not everything is fine, i need a purification!

alright, the night of crazy dreams
you have the control
what else you got for me?

the night os crazy dreams
bad nightmares is now inside my soul
I´m falling...I can´t seee!!!

WAKE UP!!!!!

bom dia ae galeraa
putss...q noite louca!


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